Video Presentations
- Annegaaike Leopold and Gunilla Öberg (2020). Plurality of Scientific Perspectives: From Stumbling Block to Opportunity. SciCon2 SETAC North America’s 41st Annual Meeting
- McIlroy-Young, B. (2020) Making Plurality in Science Work: Dialogue and Transparency as steps towards productive and responsible research for policy on EDs. SEAT Europe SciCon Annual Meeting
- Öberg, G. (2020). Your Science or my science: How is the way we frame our research impacted by values? SETAC Europe SciCon Annual Meeting.
- Öberg, G. (2019) Bridging the divide between scientific practice and studies thereof to support undergraduate teaching of epistemic knowledge. PNS4 Post-Normal Science Symposium Panel. University Oberta de Catalunya. 00:43 – 12:40